Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lets talk about the "hand outs" issue

its all right here>Not brilliant at all!<

 Sorry I been gone for a while I actually just got a job thank god, im super excited about this!
So from what I am gathering, Republicans do not go on government assistance  they do not make mistakes and they do not lose their jobs because the economy is so bad, thanks to a republican!

I am sorry, but I know ALOT of people who are voting for Obama, not because they want hand outs, but because we want a better future for everyone.  I want gays to have equal rights, I do not want to lose my rights, I think blacks, latinos, ect everyone should be treated equally, not because I want a 100 dollars from teh government each month! (which is probably about what you will get so no it does not pay your bills you do not get off scott free)  You need to understand, that this issue with welfare is the least of my problems right now.

Romney says that he wants to rid food stamps (or SNAP) for those who do not work. With the exception of, People with kids, people who live in an area where jobs are scarce   ok so that's like everyone who is on it already? so what difference is it really going to make? are you really that dumb, do you really want to starve your fellow Americans because they can not get a job? because the Right Wing fucked up in the first place. OH MY GOD someone needs to start doing some fact-checking!

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